Fencing Flash Mob

Fencing Flash Mob in Harvard Square

The world’s largest organized fencing flashmob is staged every year, during the first weekend of September, as clubs worldwide are taking to their town squares or similar places to show the world the beauty and elegance of the “white sport”.

For months, hashtag #fencingmob becomes a popular presence on the social media sites, as fencing centers and organizations around the world will stage and then share thousands of breathtaking photos and videos from the events, most of them taken in well known locations uniquely identifying each city, e.g. Rome’s Coliseum or London’s Piccadilly Circus.

Inspired by a Fencing Flash Mob coordinated at the 2011 World Championships by the Italian Fencing Federation, the intent is to advertise to the public about the sport of fencing, at a time when affiliations and registrations for the new competitive season begin.

This is a great way for local clubs and organizations to gain media attention and media mentions for the sport of fencing and their individual clubs.

After posting photos and videos to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, stating the location, using the hashtag #fencingmob and emailing them to the Italian Federation, their media team will use these to amplify the effort by reposting them to a global album curating the fencing mob event.

In the above video, Olympia Fencing Center’s team has staged their own Fencing Flash Mob in September 2014, on Cambridge’s historical Harvard Square.