Halloween Celebration 2014
It’s the spooky time of the year and, yet again, Olympia has organized another awesome series of events, to celebrate Halloween 2014, starting with the usual Halloween Costume Party, on October 25th, followed by the Wizards and Witches Epee Open competitions.
Great crowd, delicious food, a lot of dancing and fun, Friday, October 25th, at our annual Halloween Party!!
We’d like to thank to all those presents for making this possible, bringing all the dishes, drinks, keeping your kids under control (kind of 😀 ), for your pleasant conversation, fencing and non- fencing related.
Special thanks to George Scott, Kevin Foley, Robert Harris, our fencing moms, Angelica Brisk, Carole Mansoor, for holding the costume contest, Mr. Mark Mansoor, for taking all the beautiful pictures!
For more pictures and even videos, as always, check out our awesome Facebook page!
Halloween 2014 events will continue with the Wizards and Witches annual Epee Open Tournament ( October 25 and, respectively, November 1st – registration now open on askfred) and “Trick or Treat, Halloween is neat” as well, on Halloween day, for all the kids in the neighborhood!